Gaming is a broad umbrella term for a number of types of play or activity. It includes gambling in many of its contexts, but the term can be broadly applied to non financial transactions in this respect also. It can for example include online video games – such as multi or massive multi player role playing games – that can sometimes use real currency. Genuine cash is sometimes used in these games to buy items such as spaceship engines or guns or swords, for example.
Sometimes, players who fight opponents may pilfer their belongings in this context. If a fight has taken place in a sorcery or fantasy game, for example, the loser of that fight may also lose his or her weapons. In this sense, gambling has taken place and a zero sum outcome has resulted in one player benefiting from another’s loss.
Often, strictly speaking, there is no gambling or wagering taking place in these games, but game resources such as an avatar’s health or armor can be enhanced by buying it for actual hard cash.
Gaming sites of other kinds, allow people to wager money that they have placed in an online casino’s account associated with that member of the gaming community. They may be allowed to play certain games – such as game shows made popular on television – in order to win a cash prize. They often compete against fellow members of the gaming community for a share of the pot. For example, twenty people may compete in a version of the game of Jeopardy.
Each player may pay five dollars or more to play the game itself, while the top six players will then share in a pot, with increments added on for each placing. The game’s champion will take the lion’s share of the pot, the second best will get the next highest amount, and so on. Other versions of the game will allow one player to play another – one on one.
Gaming is a broad umbrella term for a number of types of play or activity. It includes gambling in many of its contexts, but the term can be broadly applied to non financial transactions in this respect also. It can for example include online video games – such as multi or massive multi player role playing games – that can sometimes use real currency. Genuine cash is sometimes used in these games to buy items such as spaceship engines or guns or swords, for example.
Sometimes, players who fight opponents may pilfer their belongings in this context. If a fight has taken place in a sorcery or fantasy game, for example, the loser of that fight may also lose his or her weapons. In this sense, gambling has taken place and a zero sum outcome has resulted in one player benefiting from another’s loss.
Often, strictly speaking, there is no gambling or wagering taking place in these games, but game resources such as an avatar’s health or armor can be enhanced by buying it for actual hard cash.